In order to take lateral flow into account it is necessary to postulate the shape of the bearing . 为了计入横向流动,必需设定轴承形状。
The results also show that the lateral flow exchange between tributary and main channel is proportional to the variation rate of the discharge in main channel 将该模型应用于历史上某次垮山堵江溃决洪水,得到的计算结果与实测资料和洪痕数据相吻合。
The phreatic groundwater in the diluvial fan in front of the helan mountain is mainly recharged by precipitation and the lateral flow from the helan mountain ; the phreatic groundwater both in the diluvial fan of the qingtongxia gorge and in the fluvial plain is mainly recharged by the influent seepage of irrigation water from the yellow river 贺兰山洪积扇单一潜水主要接受山区侧向径流及大气降水补给;青铜峡洪积扇单一潜水及冲湖积平原上覆潜水,主要接受黄河灌溉水的入渗补给。